Saturday, March 24, 2012

My hero, my Dad.

There are three incredibly important men in my life. You've heard me talk about God, my husband, and now it's time to blog about my Dad.

For those of you who don't know, Scott and I will be building our first home! My father is a custom-home builder, so he is going to build it for us. Spending so much time with him lately has really made me appreciate him for who he is and the reason for writing my blog.

My Dad is an eclectic man. Let me explain him to you from my perspective.

My Dad, a man's man: He has been playing rugby since his twenties, and will be celebrating his 60th birthday this year. Although he rarely drinks more than a beer or two at a time, he loves to brew his own beer and wine. He drives a Harley, he's an Army Veteran, loves to wrestle, and is just an all around manly dude.

If you look closely you can see the blood!

My Dad, an artist: Some other things you need to know about my Dad - he likes to can fruits, make jellies, make chocolate candies for Christmas, and draw cartoons. He's made stained glass pieces, porcelain figurines and more.

My Dad, a friend: There are several people he calls to check up on, on a regular basis. He cares about their hearts, their successes, and their journey in faith.

My Dad, a father: Growing up, my Dad came to every dance recital and competition (there were A LOT, and usually he was one of the only Dad's there). He came to every single lacrosse game. My Dad was in construction all his life, so he encouraged me to study and gain an education in which I could use my mind instead of my body. When I was sick or hurting emotionally, my Dad always said he wished he could take the pain from me, and on to himself. And I always knew he meant it.

Last night he told me he was considering not playing rugby this season. If you know my Dad at all, you would know he lives, eats, breathes, and bleeds rugby! After a rugby game, despite the bruises and blood, he is SO relaxed and at peace. When I asked why, he shared that "I would rather have a heart attack the week after your house is done, then start building it with a broken arm." I was speechless. He wasn't looking for praise, he wasn't looking for me to tell him how selfless it was. He knew how important to us the house was - he knew the financial and emotional ramifications of this house for Scott and I. It was the single most selfless thing I have ever heard another human being say. In fact, as I'm writing this, I am nearly in tears over the purity of his intentions and love for Scott and I.

Proud Daddy
We are always goofing around

My Dad, a follower of Christ: This is going to take awhile...

Working by himself, my Dad listens to sermons on the radio daily. He quenches his insatiable thirst for Jesus by listening to sermons every day and by using his alone time to learn more about theology and the heart of God. 

My Dad has been faced with more situations than you can imagine where he's had the opportunity to give in to moral temptation. Time and time again, I've seen him flee from these temptations and uphold his moral standards.

My Dad teaches weatherization and other trade classes at a few community colleges in the Baltimore area. Among his students, he has taught pre-release prisoners, and many other disadvantaged students. On the last day of his week-long class, the majority of his students hug him, thank him, and many have even affectionately referred to him as "Uncle Bob." Many have even told him that no one else has ever seemed to care about them like he does. After class, he has prayed with many of his students. He has lent a listening ear and has counseled them through difficult situations. He has assured so many people that they were created in the image of God. He has encouraged them to dig in to scripture for the answers to life's problems instead of engaging in other worldly practices and "solutions." He is living out his faith, in his every day life. In fact, I've witnessed few people who seek God so much in their alone time, and who shine God's light so brightly amongst the lost world and it's people.

I could go on and on about the integrity my Dad possesses. I could tell you how I've seen him be hurt, and lovingly turn the other cheek. I could tell you stories of his grace for others. I could tell you about how he serves other by repairing things in their home for free, and about his new passion for missions. I could tell you about unconditional love he has shown his family, when they haven't known how to love him. I could tell you about the compassion and forgiveness he's had for his own earthly father, after his father has been absent for so long. I could tell you stories about the hardships he has faced, but the Biblical perseverance he has maintained. I could tell you about the gift of wisdom and knowledge that he possesses and that he obediently uses his voice to share this wisdom and knowledge with those in need of hearing it. I've seen him pursue the hearts of those undesirable in the sight of others. I've seen him lovingly speak truth into lives. I could go on and on and on about his strong character and the fantastic example he has set for me as an obedient follower of Christ.

I am so thankful for my Dad. I hope that as I grow in years, that I could also grow in the same integrity and love for Jesus that he has. Thank you, Dad for obediently answering your calling, and for setting an example for the rest of us.

Mom & Dad on their wedding day
Always making us laugh

Family photo, minus Mom
His girlies

Friday, March 16, 2012

My wonderful husband... and the rude chef

I just wanted to dedicate an entire blog post to my wonderful husband.

For those of you who don't know Scott, he is a kind-hearted, gentle man who generally wears his heart on his sleeve.

Throughout our entire relationship I have had the immense pleasure of observing the careful actions of this good man. Many think of a bold personality or a leader as someone who fights every battle, emerging victorious with each clash. I see my husband as a bold leader in his own way... I've watched my husband pick his battles wisely... and succeed in each battle with humility and grace.

Today, in particular, he amazed me!

For Christmas, he purchased an Italian cooking class for me and my Mom to take together... something we've always wanted to do. I searched the website for quite awhile and couldn't find an indisputable address for this class. After emailing the chef a perfectly pleasant email to clarify the address, she responded, "no the Italian class is held at your home."

She was obviously being smart. Who says that to someone you don't even know?! Especially since Groupon had a completely different address than the address on her website!

Although deeply offended by her response, I constructed a timid, yet truthful emailing telling her that I had expected a constructive answer and informed her that "In of the spirit of courtesy, I wanted you to know in advance that I will not be attending the class."

I sent the email to Scott first to proof-read, but he wanted to write his own. My gentle-hearted, sweet, and forgiving husband was furious. In the entire time I've known him, I can count on one hand the number of times Scott has been legitimately angry.

He choose to defend his wife. He choose to defend courtesy. He choose to defend self-respect and human decency. He choose this battle... for me. And he fought it gallantly. He fought it with grace, truth, and despite his anger, even with love.

Every battle I've seen him choose to fight have been battles that affect others more than himself. He is a courageous warrior, choosing to battle for his Savior, for his wife, his family, his friends, for his purity in mind, body, and spirit. He chooses the battles often less chosen by others, but in my opinion, that battles that matter most and that add to his character.

Oh, how I love my sweet, sweet husband!

Pirated mind

This morning I woke up and my mind immediately went to a dark place. It was flooded with dark waters of a reoccurring negative thought/memory. I took a shower, and began to pray during my shower, but somehow slipped back in to the negative thought; playing out scenario after scenario in my head. And then I realized, my mind was pirated and being held captive. 

Out loud I said "NO" and pointed my finger (At who? I don't know). I wouldn't stand for it.

Not today. Not any day.

The enemy knows my weakness, and he likes to use this one against me quite often. He especially likes to pull out this nasty little thought process when I have an empty schedule, but a full plate. He attempts these tricks when I'm alone... he attempts to isolate me. When I have so much to do... he attempts to rid me of productivity that I so desperately need.

So today, this was my prayer. I repeated it over and over again...

Lord you are my God, You are my King.
I submit to none other than you,
including my mind.