I just wanted to dedicate an entire blog post to my wonderful husband.
For those of you who don't know Scott, he is a kind-hearted, gentle man who generally wears his heart on his sleeve.
Throughout our entire relationship I have had the immense pleasure of observing the careful actions of this good man. Many think of a bold personality or a leader as someone who fights every battle, emerging victorious with each clash. I see my husband as a bold leader in his own way... I've watched my husband pick his battles wisely... and succeed in each battle with humility and grace.
Today, in particular, he amazed me!
For Christmas, he purchased an Italian cooking class for me and my Mom to take together... something we've always wanted to do. I searched the website for quite awhile and couldn't find an indisputable address for this class. After emailing the chef a perfectly pleasant email to clarify the address, she responded, "no the Italian class is held at your home."
She was obviously being smart. Who says that to someone you don't even know?! Especially since Groupon had a completely different address than the address on her website!
Although deeply offended by her response, I constructed a timid, yet truthful emailing telling her that I had expected a constructive answer and informed her that "In of the spirit of courtesy, I wanted you to know in advance that I will not be attending the class."
I sent the email to Scott first to proof-read, but he wanted to write his own. My gentle-hearted, sweet, and forgiving husband was furious. In the entire time I've known him, I can count on one hand the number of times Scott has been legitimately angry.
He choose to defend his wife. He choose to defend courtesy. He choose to defend self-respect and human decency. He choose this battle... for me. And he fought it gallantly. He fought it with grace, truth, and despite his anger, even with love.
Every battle I've seen him choose to fight have been battles that affect others more than himself. He is a courageous warrior, choosing to battle for his Savior, for his wife, his family, his friends, for his purity in mind, body, and spirit. He chooses the battles often less chosen by others, but in my opinion, that battles that matter most and that add to his character.
Oh, how I love my sweet, sweet husband!
Way to go Scott!!! :) Glad we bumped into you at Lowe's tonight!