Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Happy 30th Anniversary!

 Today, it is my parent's 30th wedding anniversary!

It is also, conveniently a day where I have a ton of work to do... making writing this post all the sweeter. If you don't already know this, I'm a great procrastinator! 

Thinking of 30 years together, committed to marriage, is just incredible for me to think about! That's longer than I've been alive + the lives of both my dog's added together! 

Mom and Dad met when she was working as a "cocktail waitress" at the Rusty Scupper near Baltimore, MD. Cocktail waitress is in quotes because over the years I've given her a hard time that she was a bartender on a SUNDAY afternoon when my Dad sat down at her bar

Dad had hair. Mom was bronze and beautiful. Their looks and young vibrant personalities were attractive to each other, which ultimately led to marriage.

Years later, Mom and Dad had significant struggles in their marriage and almost gave up.

I say this next line with hesitation, because it sounds oh-so-corny...
Their last and final attempt to save their marriage was to go to church. 

(More often than not, one person may become a believer later in life, which in some ways alienates the couple even more so.)

Thankfully, they both turned to Christ and grew in their faith.

I entered the picture somewhere shortly after their marriage was saved.

Today, my parents have an incredibly strong marriage. The Lord is truly their rock and guide through this life. The Bible serves as the authority for which to settle their disputes. It serves to instruct them on how to treat each other with love and respect and equality. While beauty and youth may fade*, with Christ-centered love, a marriage is able to stand.  
*My parents are still pretty good looking, and young acting ;)

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