Saturday, November 21, 2009

My 14 year old self

"Trying to dismiss what haunts my mind
But it consumes me and makes me blind
Blind to the light, that now dimly shines
Dark is the path and blurred are the lines"

There was more, but I don't remember it...

I wrote this over 7 years ago, when I was 14 and going through serious depression. It's about being consumed by something you are struggling with, and losing sight of God to a point where that beautiful light you are given, almost goes out... a time when you are no longer following God's plan for your life.

My depression lasted for about a year and then I started drowning my sorrows in the bottom of a bottle and impairing my mind in other ways. And once my depression was finally lifted, I was so far away from God, that I didn't care what was right or wrong.

Even though I am recovered from that state of mind, there are still things in my life that consume my mind, and although my light is shining brightly, they still affect me. On a spiritual level, sometimes these thoughts consume my heart and close it from hearing what the Spirit is telling me. And on a personal level, these thoughts often inhibit me from being productive with school work, daily chores, etc., which just adds extra stress to my life. What to do with these thoughts? Dig into scripture and see what it has to say about your issue, and pray over it...

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