Tuesday, February 28, 2012


I am so sick of pop culture's influence of fear.

As I sit here eating lunch in the break room of my rotation, someone else in the break room turned on one of those crime-solving shows (CSI, maybe?).

During lunch, I like to relax and clear my mind of the busyness of the day in attempt to restore energy and positive thinking.

As I sat here enjoying my delicious leftovers of pesto pasta and Greek salad, my relaxation was interrupted with the graphic description of the rape that occurred on this tv show.

Seriously?! Is this relaxing to people?? How is this entertainment?! Instead of feeling relaxed and rejuvenated after lunch, I left feeling violated and unsettled.


  1. Yeah, that's annoying! I definitely wouldn't call CSI relaxing! I'm not sure how long your break is, but is there a place outside to eat once it's nice outside? I would always eat my lunch at a picnic table and read..so much better than listening to the gossip (or CSI) in the lunchroom!

  2. Sometimes I eat in my car... almost switched locations half way through lunch today :)

  3. Ugh. It's so hard to get scenes like that out of your mind once they're in there. I know what you mean.
