Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Valentine's Day

I started writing this on Valentine's Day, but I got busy. So before you read this, jump in your time machine and set the date to February 14, 2012. Thanks! :)

Today (February 14, 2012), I was struck by the incredible amount of people out and about shopping for flowers, cards, and candy for their loved one. As much as I believe that Valentine's Day is a holiday blown out of proportion by corporations, I was touched at how may people wanted their significant other to feel special.

But then I got thinking... as sweet as flowers, cards, and candy are (and as much as women love it!), I thought of a much better way to show affection on Valentine's Day - one that will have a lasting effect.

What if we show genuine love and affection to each other?

What if instead of snapping at each other, you respond in love and patience?

What if instead of checking out a stranger walking by, you appreciate the beauty of your spouse - give your spouse your 100% undivided sexual attention?

What if instead of doing other things while your significant other tells you about their day, you drop what you are doing to really listen? 

What if you offer to take something off their load instead of putting some of your load on them?

What if you made every effort to serve your mate and love them sacrificially?

What if... you attempted to love them as Christ loved us?

Of course we will all fail at these things, but we can try.

It's now February 28th. I'm sure your flowers have died, your candy has been eaten, and your card may have been thrown away already, but making the effort to love someone sacrificially and the benefits that come from this sacrificial love are lasting.

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