Monday, January 18, 2010

He is jealous for me

This is a response I wrote to my Mom's post on facebook about a particularly lovely song called "How he loves." Scott said he liked what I wrote, so I guess I'll post it here.

"He is jealous for me..." Why do we make our God such a jealous God? Constantly putting other things before him... our time, our focus, our energy, our allegiance? Why is it that we can't just sit and be silent before His Majesty, who created us from mere dust? Why are we not so infatuated with Him that don't long to be by His side every second of every day? It amazes me how much He gives us and how little we give Him.

If you aren't familiar, the lyrics go...

"He is jealous for me
He loves like a hurricane, I am a tree
Bending beneath the weight of His love and mercy

All of the sudden
I am unaware of these afflictions eclipsed by glory
And I realize just how beautiful you are
And how great your affections are for me

Oh, how he loves us so..."

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