Thursday, January 27, 2011


It seems in our culture we are quick to assign "labels" to people. Hipster, goth, punk, quiet, jock, whatever. We assign most of these labels based on how someone looks, and then with each label we assign specific character traits to each person fitting the look of their respective label.

What we don't realize is that when we consciously or subconsciously assign people to these groups, we expect them to act only within the boundaries of their label. We expect these peoples' minds to be closed and incapable of thinking, feeling, or acting inconsistently with characteristics associated with "their kind."

I will boldly say that I think it is we, who assign labels to others, that are the close-minded ones. We are the ones that fail to acknowledge that person's positive actions or write their behavior off as an anomaly. We focus on the negative, instead of seeing the rose among thorns. This is a character flaw of our own.

I'm sure that others could put a label on me, but I know that I don't want to be expected to act a certain way, and I know that there are many ways in which I'd act outside of the preconceived notions that others may form about me.

Similarly, I often place these labels on my acquaintances. My desire is to appreciate each person for their good qualities and not become hung up on their negative qualities that may blind me from appreciating their strengths... just as I'd want others to do about me.

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