Sunday, June 26, 2011

Revelation through hurt

It seems this world is ripe with hurt and pain. In my past, I've struggled a lot with friends not inviting me to things, not returning my calls, not considering my feelings, failing to reciprocate the "how are you?" question when you are going through something tough, etc. You could probably poll the whole teenage girl population (and probably grown women too) and I'd venture to say that 99.999999% of those girls would say that have felt this way at some point or another.

Recently, a friend has come to me asking about how to handle a similar situation. In searching for what advice to give, I've been reflecting on my own past hurts. Through this searching, I believe that God's been teaching me and molding my heart in this area.

Often times you put effort into relationships and do things for people that they are unaware of and often you are hurt by these very same people. Through my past hurts, God's been teaching me that we do this to Him constantly. He puts so much effort into our relationship, and we so often fail to reciprocate with Him. He alone knows our future, he provides for our every need, and yet some days we struggle to find 5 minutes to talk to Him. We don't have the courage to stick up for our faith. We don't have the self control to put Him before empty pleasures of this world. Or maybe we are just too complacent to involve Him in our life.

In the end, I wouldn't trade the hurt and pain I've experienced through the years, simply because it lead to this precious revelation. I am thankful that God is teaching me and refining me through fire and pain. 

My prayer is for the wisdom and love to treasure my relationship with my Maker, and desire to spend as much time with Him as I would a friend or my husband.

1 comment:

  1. I could really relate to this post! Thanks so much for the insight into how we treat God.
